Vlooging kit, Kirsty van den Bulk filming

Vlogging Kit, Why I Passionately Wanted One For My Birthday

Vlogging Kits for social media video had become a regular internet search for me so I asked for one as a birthday gift.

With that in mind, when my husband asked me what I wanted for my birthday I asked for a vlogging kit. I wanted one with a LED light and an omnidirectional microphone to make shooting video tricks and tips for social media easier.

As an on-camera coach with a significant birthday coming up I thought why not ask for a vlogging kit, it was something I would use, and I do mean use a lot. I was posting more video content on social platforms, the system I was using was not sharp enough and I was not overly keen on the audio I thought a vlogging kit may be the answer.

With some research I found a myriad of vlogging kits. I narrowed my search to vlogging kits with LED lights and Omnidirectional microphones and found one I liked.
During my coaching sessions I was being as ked about lighting and audio and could my clients start using their mobile phones.

No one wanted handshake videos, I knew a vlogging kit would be a good solution instead of a pile of books. With video use on the rise, it made sense to invest and research vlogging kits and other device solutions.

After much laughter my in-laws agreed to buy me a vlogging kit for my 50th Birthday, I use it weekly sometimes daily and have used it at many speeches I have given on social media video.

Thinking back now, I do appreciate that it is probably not the typical present for a 50th birthday present.

I love every line on my face and my emotional scars

Embracing me

I feel alive when I wake up in the morning, I may not look as young as I used to, I am okay with that, with each birthday I am able to reflect and be grateful I am still alive and having fun.
I have many lines and blend in grey hair, my make-up does not sit as well on my face as it used to and when I do wear make-up, I feel I look worse and spend the whole day rubbing it away,

I wear my life experience on my face and body, every line and ache is a memory of my heartache, the times I have loved and been loved and, the amazing ups and heart wrenching downs of my life.

I embrace every line on my face, with each ache I remember my time at Arts Educational and the family of my classmates as we trained and played hard. The lines on my face and the aches of my body are a map of memories good, bad, and sometimes ugly. They are mine and mine alone and I wear them with honor.

I am loud and proud and 50. So what have I learned along the way

I visualize my 140th birthday party

I always joke I want to live until I am at least 140! I imagine myself barely able to stand, smiling away as through my bad eyesight I watch my great, great grandchildren strutting their moves on the dance floor.

For me to see this birthday I must keep loving, living, and learning. This means I must keep pushing the grey matter, this is especially important in my 50’s as I embrace my menopausal self and move to being a mature woman, but this woman is not going to hide.

I am loud and proud and 50. So what have I learned along the way.

I am not old enough yet, I say this because my granny who died at 92 told me ‘You still have a huge amount to learn, and you must never stop learning’. wise words and yes, I still miss her.

Vlogging Kit, Video shoot with two children
You cannot outrun your childhood,

It helps to shape the person you grow to be, but it does not define you. Being a parent is hard, much harder than anyone knows until they are a parent, but you would not change anything about it. It helped me understand my parents and made our relationship stronger.

You do not have to be perfect, just be good enough. There is way too much pressure on everyone to be perfect and no one is perfect.

Be true to yourself

Love your job, you spend way too much time at work away from family and friends.

I love what I do, I enjoy bringing together your brands video marketing, social media and sales team helping them all to speak confidently on brand and on message in front of an audience, on camera and in their copy.

I thrive on the challenge when I run point and project manage your video marketing campaigns liaising with the videography team and creatives linking back to your companies’ departments.

I am lucky, I have grown to love and respect myself, when I make mistakes, it still hurts, I am better at being kinder and nicer to myself.

I have been told the words kind and nice are boring, I find them empowering and when I am 140 and dead, I hope these words will be used to describe me.

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