Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing – Excitement Not Fear

Social media marketing was something I thought I would never use

Using social media marketing to launch a podcast and create on camera video tricks and tips was something I thought I would never do. For me, embracing social media marketing was a wise decision.

With 30 episodes of The Wise Why podcast to watch and listen to on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple, a growing following on social media and a CPD qualification as a social media marketing manager I know I made the right decision.

“Like many I found social media marketing useful and uncomfortable.”

~ Kirsty van den Bulk
Social media marketing scared me

To embrace social media marketing, I had to dig deep down, reconnect with my fear and overwhelming, limiting belief of ‘I am not good enough’. Pull on my brave pants, remove the invisibility cloak and walk in my speaker shoes.

I launched KVDB (Previously Opening Doors Consultancy) because I wanted to help business professionals drop the corporate talk and use a language that would help them connect to the audience instead of a filling the space with jargon and waffle.

My initial business plan was to host face-to-face public speaking on camera coaching, coupled with sales strategy linking back to everything on video. I looked for partnerships with videographers and knew I would pull on my existing network of actors, directors, and writers.

Things did not go to plan, the pandemic hit, I had to refocus, I left Hanwha and became a full-time Mum instead of a small business entrepreneur.

When our daughter started primary, I found I was back to square one. Overwhelm, imposter syndrome and fear had replaced hope and enthusiasm.

Thanks to Cairon Pearson’s from Time to Change Recruitment I secured my first client. My confidence started to return, and I started to help people who had been made redundant and wanted to come across well on camera during an interview.

By helping people, I understood the way we communicate was changing, social media marketing was being included rather than excluded in a marketing strategy and video use was on the rise.

Social Media Marketing Video women in shot
I changed my relationship with social media marketing

I started to work with small business owners who had seen my content on Instagram and LinkedIn. This new customer base had different challenges and were afraid to use social media marketing.

To help the watchers and to build the know, like and trust, I started to post video tips and tricks on LinkedIn and Instagram, months later I set up a YouTube channel to host them all.

After a while I could see there was a symbiosis between the need to improve the video call with the desire to promote your business posting pre-recorded video and going live on social platforms.

There was a common theme when I met a new client.
  • They were overwhelmed and confused, knowing they must embrace social media marketing
  • They wanted to maximize their YouTube channels
  • They wanted to improve their home set ups by creating a home studio
  • They were spending more time either on a video call or creating content for social media and they needed help and support

I realized my prospective clients needed more than confidence on camera coaching. they needed help with social media marketing.

  • There was a desire to know how to say things in a way that served and did not sell and how to add value to their online community
  • My new clients were coming to me because were confused and overwhelmed by the technology and social media marketing
  • With more time spent joining calls online coupled with the return to the office my client base wanted to create a video office space that would work for the virtual and hybrid meeting
Social Media Marketing Studio with a Man working

I looked at my set up and decided it was not up to the task. To coach in this new space, I would have to lead the way and upgrade my own system. I invested in learning about streaming platforms, going live and what was needed to remove video conferencing fatigue.

In my previous role I had a presales team to support what I did. I could easily pick up the phone to speak to either Tarik Khamliche or Thomas Adams.

With no presales it was me who tried and tested video editing software, subtitle platforms, auto cue apps and streaming platforms. I tested camera mounts, webcams, and video cameras. vloggging kits, microphones, lighting kits and the list goes on.

“This knowledge helps me to support my customers.”

~ Kirsty van den Bulk
The Wise Why Podcast

Before I launched KVDB I thought I could coach by coaching, I hid behind the camera, sharing my experience and knowledge ensuring my clients left confident and at ease sharing their story.

I have since learnt you must do, by doing you also learn, and this learning will help others.

On Tuesday 19th October 2021 after a second glass of wine, while surfing on the phone I looked at LinkedIn Live, I had been considering a live series for a while and this time I hit submit.

On November 5th, 2021, The Wise Why, launched with Beth Kirk from Socially Oxford as the first guest. We had a lot of fun; we had an interactive audience and when I uploaded the video to YouTube more people tuned into watch the episode. All the guests have shared powerful why’s and I am honored they said yes to joining me.

The Wise Why now streams simultaneously on LinkedIn Live and YouTube every Friday at 09:30 during term time. The podcast celebrates the everyday person. The next episode will be on Friday 9th September.

If you want help or advice setting up your home studio, get in touch as I will help you.

Get in touch to find out more.

Learn more about my Socila Media Consultancy Services

Click to subscribe to my YouTube Channel

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