Public Speaking presenting

Public Speaking: Maximising Your Impact

When you attend a public speaking event, you know when the presenter is excellent, but do you know why they are great at public speaking?

A great speaker has whittled their story to the finest detail, removing all waffle words. They have looked at the framework of the speech, replacing negative sentences with energising, positive, empowering statements.

The person delivering the speech has thought about you; they have considered the subject they will talk about, how they will say it, how they will use their vocal tone and the speed of delivery. They have spent time questioning how their speech will make you feel.

To know how to do this, some speakers invest in training or join professional speaking groups where they can practice and improve their public speaking craft, while others will read everything they can.

When I prepare for a public speaking engagement, I think about how I will walk into the space and what I will wear; I visualise the audience, and as I imagine, I think about what I am going to say, how I will use my voice and most importantly the words I will use when I am presenting.

As I address the room, I am reading the body language, considering how my words land on the audience, and adjusting my performance to match the room’s energy. I aim to connect emotionally with my audience, be remembered and ensure my speech resonates and makes an impact.

“To be good at something, you must keep doing it.”

~ Kirsty van den Bulk
How do you master the art of public speaking?

Public Speaking is a skill that can be learned. Great public speakers learn by speaking, by making magical mistakes and learning from them, growing, knowing and understanding how to deliver memorable speeches.

Like me, some public speakers have trained at drama school; during my training, I was taught how to stand and breathe to allow my voice to flow. How to find and emphasise the essential words in the sentence, how to read the audience, and how to react without an audience when presenting to the camera.

During my training, there were exercises on walking in different shoes. I learned how high heels and trainers shift your body weight and alter how you stand and walk.

Actors spend years training and learning how to seek out the subtextual emotional content of the part they are playing; they have a script written for them where, with the help of the director, they choose which emotion they will play.

An actor has rehearsal periods and a team of people from costume, hair and make-up to help add layers to their performance. The public speaker needs this and must make all these decisions themselves. It is a little wonder that you are nervous, anxious and fearful when asked to speak publicly at a wedding or a business conference.

How business is conducted today makes us all public speakers; video calls, webinars, social media videos, and keynote addresses must pack a punch. From school teachers to business leaders, you must know your audience and match your performance to your audience. You must know how to read the room when to adapt your performance and change your language pitch and tone, and how to step into your audience’s shoes.

Public speaking event
Public Speaking Coaching That Works

Are you looking to improve your public speaking skills? Whether you want to deliver a presentation on camera or in front of a live audience, I can help you develop the confidence and skills you need to be a memorable speaker.

I will work with you to understand your audience, tailor your presentation to their interests, and practice until you are confident and comfortable. We will also develop a clear and organised structure for your presentation, use visuals to engage your audience and teach you how to speak clearly and confidently.

I will not make you a clone of me. My coaching is tailored to help you shine, be seen, and be memorable. Working with me will empower you to address an audience confidently when talking on camera.

If you can take your public speaking skills to the next level, please get in touch with me today. I would be happy to discuss your needs and create a customised coaching plan for you..

Find out more about my Public Speaking Coaching Services Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

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