The Wise Why
Episode #92
Episode #092

#Ep 92 | Akash Rupareliaa – Bollywood Dancer Turned Entrepreneur
About This Episode
Join Kirsty van den Bulk as she talks with Akash Rupareliaa from bollywood dancer, to Monk and now a seriels entrepreneur
Choosing the Right Path Made Me RICH in Happiness! 🌟
Have you ever wondered how life’s twists and turns can shape your true purpose?
Kash Ruparelia shares his fascinating and unpredictable career path, transforming his childhood dreams into something extraordinary.
From an aspiring dancer to a monk, and eventually an entrepreneur, Kash’s story is one of resilience, introspection, and finding meaning beyond societal expectations.
🎧 In this episode:
➡️ Discover how early aspirations shape—but don’t define—our future paths.
➡️ Learn the powerful life lessons that dance can teach us and how they apply off the stage.
➡️ Explore the concept of ‘ikigai’—aligning what you love, what you’re good at, and what serves others.
đź’ˇ Key Takeaways:
➡️ The importance of resilience in navigating unexpected life changes.
➡️ How introspection during pivotal moments fosters profound personal growth.
➡️ Why embracing failure is essential to achieving success.
Join us for this inspiring and thought-provoking conversation with Kash Ruparelia that challenges societal norms and encourages you to find your true calling.
🌍 Don’t miss this life-changing journey!
Episode #92 : Full Transcription
Thank you. Yeah, I mean, I firstly appreciate just coming on this podcast. I think it’s an incredible opportunity to be able to share kind of my journey, my story, my message. So, yeah, I mean, I had many different aspirations growing up. I used to be a dancer in my early days and I used to want to be a dancer. Equally, I was super academic and I was flying during school days. Ended up getting top grades in the country. So a part of me also wanted to be a cardiovascular surgeon. And then I had this dancing; so I had this split logic between creative and academic paths.
I ended up doing neither. Went to university but dropped out while studying chemical engineering at the time. After dropping out, I ended up becoming a monk to find myself and then launched a variety of different companies. So I currently own a marketing agency and an education company and I’m soon to be launching something in the TV film space. So yeah, kind of a whirlwind of things took place and here we are today.
So normally I ask this question if I’m going to ever ask it a lot later, but this takes me back to that hook at the very beginning of how I introduced you when you were 10; you wanted to be a dancer, right?
What type of dancing?
I used to be a hip hop and break dancer and then they would put me into Bollywood because they saw that I had a unique spin which I could bring to stages where if I did Bollywood, I was almost merging the two. At that time, Bollywood and hip hop wasn’t like a thing. Nowadays it is a thing; there’s loads of music being produced like Punjabi hip hop and stuff like that. But back then there was no spin on it. And so I was basically being pushed in this unique angle and I was like, great! This is what I want to do! Ended up obviously not doing it.
So talk to me about the not doing it because one of the things that I know—because I was a trained dancer as well—one of the things I know about dancing is it teaches you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. You learn something; you fail; you learn. This is one of the key things about dancing: it teaches you that mistakes are okay and it teaches you how to get things wrong.
So I wondered if you could expand on what it was like to kind of go down that path and then switch—and also how it is to suddenly realise that you’re really good at dancing but you’re also academic.
Yeah, yeah! Honestly, exactly what you said: it definitely teaches you to fail and kind of bounce back. Also, it just teaches you the patience of repetition; like when you’re doing a move constantly again and again and again—you’re just getting better and better and better! And now thinking about it and speaking about it now—I feel like that has kind of spilled into everything that I’ve done in life.
Anytime I start something new, I’m subconsciously aware that this is going to take time and it’s going to take repetitions—and eventually it’s going to perfect over time! So definitely that was a big lesson.
But what I’ll say is during that time—I was kind of mature for my age as a kid—and so I understood kind of career-building wealth and the impact that I wanted to create. Create—I ended up launching a charity when I was 14! So I was always directed in that kind of space of serving—the household that I grew up in: my parents; anytime we went to India we’d always serve kids or try giving them meals or stuff like that—so directed in that direction.
Then realised as a dancer—I’m not going to be able to do all those things! And so everyone goes through this stage in life where it’s like: “I love this thing but there’s kind of a need for this.” There’s this whole concept of ikigai which merges all four aspects: what you love; what you’re good at; the impact you want to create; and what can actually give you an income!
So realised like okay—I love dance but it doesn’t seem like something that’s going to let me have all those four things—and so just had to let that go! Equally—I was super academic—I knew there was more from that side so ended up pursuing that only later on in life realising even that didn’t really serve me in the way that I’d hoped.
And I love that because I can remember—it’s my 25th anniversary—no 20th anniversary this year—of me finding myself down in the depths of despair reinventing myself—realising whilst loving acting/performing—it wasn’t going to be how I’d get home or where I’d want to be!
I remember very clearly 20 years ago thinking: “I don’t want to end up in the Internet Equity Benevolent Home!” You know? The Actors Benevolent Home was just not for me! And so changed my life—it’s about those pivots!
So you’ve realised you’re a dancer; you wanted that career; then change your mind—you go onto university—what happened at university? And—and that switch? Because that’s quite massive one—and get it because I’ve done this myself!
Yeah! So actually just before university—I got all these top grades! Ended up getting 11 A stars at GCSEs—and then two A stars in A levels! So had grades basically for being the cardiovascular surgeon! But just before university—I went on a monk retreat!
I wasn’t a monk at the time—but went on this retreat with monks! One session held was all about finding your nature aligning with your purpose!
Ancient texts speak about this: many people will try chasing something—a job or opportunity—that’s completely outside their nature because societal expectations come with it! What ancient texts speak about is your soul having destiny—a purpose—a calling—and your soul also has nature—you need find align both!
At end session realised being doctor-while I’m good at it-while gives social status-can give income-I wouldn’t feel fulfilled as hoped!
A large part wanted help people—understood actually want help people—which is purpose—but nature wasn’t aligned with being surgeon! So could find something more aligned with nature—which ended up being entrepreneurship—and then align purpose which helping people—we serve charities through that!
Went into university actually choosing chemical engineering because thought let me try something diverse! Get there chosen chemical engineering absolutely hate it! Don’t ask me anything on chemical engineering—I went two lectures—induction lectures each year there!
So don’t know anything about chemical engineering! Ended partying every single day—and this happens—in life—people misaligned where they’re at end chasing pleasures—they end up alcohol/drugs whatever else!
That’s what doing pretty much every day—I got point midway second year got did well first year but realised I’m just not happy like I’m misaligned from where want be life clearly chasing external pleasures fill something inside!
Luckily met monks at point went back them said listen everything said purpose/happiness/chasing external pleasures isn’t gonna give what looking for realised now need know next!
They were advising talking purpose/fulfilment realised okay need let go university—it’s not for me—I know there’s more out there for me! Ended dropping out—and when dropped out ended becoming monk after!
And so yeah—that was kind university situation realized isn’t for me—and need more life with where at!
That’s incredibly brave because one thing taught—or we have parental pressure—we have tear—is pressure from society—we have expectations what should shouldn’t do life.
I remember being very young being school one friends Adam Cooper who may or may not heard—and remember having big conversation him—it secondary-going “I’m just not socially acceptable!” He went “but what socially acceptable?” It was big debate!
But you’re very brave—you become monk—you step into bravery—you walk away peer pressure—all expectations—how long were monk for?
It wasn’t too long—around four or five months lucky grown around them knew energy knew space entering knew practices knew getting into basically!
At same time—all friends disappeared when dropped out university—it was one those situations where life pushing direction—it’s like look done life partied more most people will ever party entire life like you’ve done now try this!
And so yeah thought let try out—the intention never be monk rest life according Vedic text—the monk practice following—not meant everyone however value getting some training from!
And so went into with mindset here just learn adopt skills/training methods can apply rest life!
And know spirituality important—I know charity work important too—but love know how came realisation being monk wasn’t right how launched first business?
Because again—we’re going back bravery—you’re not fitting mould—you’ve been bit like me parted way too hard 20s—but won’t talk about it—I very—not wild—I very well behaved—but if could expand little bit how got from being monk—to journey there?
Because know mine…
Yeah! Business always been me started first charity when 14 technically its own business dance school profits were going go charity flopped before university equally side clothing line running generating income learned digital marketing Instagram all stuff!
So business always kind there always just mind thinking next idea thinking okay start sit analysing businesses just fun curious how making money!
When left ashram almost inevitable next step thankfully friend reached out mentioned look trying grow social media remember interested University days can help out friend UK’s youngest millionaire time ended basically scaling account 20 thousand followers myself thought okay cool something good could next thing!
Basically put team together started getting more clients slowly scaled from there now team 30-35 people now!
It’s incredible absolutely incredible way where your journey! And now course want ask dream…
Oh! Had dream—not talk about lot because something subtle but life changing had vivid dream—in university flat time—in Kings Cross—in basement room—for some reason dream people broken our home four us house people broken everyone house basically one robbery with them rubber with knife behind back—and i’m like…
And really scary dream remember actually having tears dream reason had tears looking down knowing knife behind back crying crying because—not because about die—but crying hadn’t done anything line purpose until point crying because have many more people help have many more things want do wasted all life until point—all done parties drinking going out friends—not done anything impactful!
Woke from dream wasn’t magic moment okay gonna change life just sat dream next three four days sat dream used smoke time happened week ended stopping smoking because like all doing reducing lifespan stopped smoking then slowly started meditating more okay purpose do want do—that moment started really make some dramatic shifts couple months from then ended basically dropping out university.
Wow—that’s really powerful dream… There is moment brain tell right place or not whether brain subconscious—that… have some really powerful dreams have some which take are not good but that’s not surprising where been…
Just interest how get—because you’ve always talked all way through—from very beginning were 14 doing launched first charity…
If we could talk about how you’re even now spirituality everything do because know you’ve got big dream comes helping others wonder if could expand little bit on charity dreams aspirations?
I think for me just driven by impact! My whole life all around never want leave planet knowing haven’t made most amount impact could made forget impact comes through who we are words give out equally actions do…
So always conscious who am today—is being impactful towards others? What words sharing world? What message sharing equally? What am doing right?
The charity projects we have growing up always been how can serve people? How can make difference? Launched charity felt calling remember listening man in Mirror by Michael Jackson speaks on right he’s always entire song about got pumped through one song thought can serve people immediately knew how dance school—that was it!
Ended going leisure centre 14 years old saying listen next six weeks need book space had birthday money saved here money looked at and said you’re like you’re 14 years old there’s no way can book next six weeks said listen know what doing may look young but smart—
Basically convinced them let have studio next six weeks paid them money paid deposit front started printing leaflets thought okay let print leaflets get people come dance school print leaflets hand them out remember every weekend few weekends before just handing leaflets anyone leisure centre remember spending hours Saturday hoping these people would come dance school told friends made Facebook page everyone knew Kash running dance school came first day prepared rehearsal chosen song everything done even water bottles stuff laid out—
Got half hour earlier waiting think let re rehearse start rehearsing gets around ten minutes before take break okay people gonna start coming now waiting waiting clock strikes no one turned up maybe late five minutes pass ten minutes pass twenty minutes pass one guy shows forty minutes late only person shows friend so no one really showed up went back home night heartbroken heartbroken myself actually started blaming God because said how could stop project doing help people?
How could not let successful right? How could stop thing serve thousands people fund many who needed help? How could not let successful? Heartbroken remember thinking something needs change here went back ledger centre said listen can’t do next six weeks looked at said told you know told you’re 14 years old not gonna book for next six weeks—
That itself humbling guy said listen mean we all know Apprentice show right TV apprenticeship he said listen gonna give refund because you’re 14 years old maybe need watch few more episodes Apprentice before come back us remember accepting blow just accepting blow like don’t even know say still angry angry God angry everyone because tried something good—
What happened? Went back home next year like I’m not doing anything—that when focused being heart surgeon entrepreneurship building ventures just for me let stick down academic route I’m good at keep going there but reason things kept calling back-it just… took lessons from honestly good intentions equally need good strategy—
Yeah—a lot bad people world said another talk as well-lot bad people world they have wealth influence they strategy—we forget good people need same level strategy missing honestly when started make impact wanted…
So how did get strategy? Because you’ve definitely got now so what were…
I mean look at you blown away—you know met had conversation walked away went what inspirational person are—you know everyone comes show deliberately want inspire me—
Because if inspire then inspire guest kinda works—and really grasped strategy-you know fourteen… Remember what doing fourteen raising money charity…
And raised money charity wanted raise more raised target thousand raised three hundred remember crushed on taught…
Yeah… About strategy now obviously where today—
So how did get strategy?
Honestly—it was just—a life thing experimentation reflection—it’s like gonna do things reflect everything once done-and did charity reflected after thought okay did wrong…
What did wrong honestly leaflet marketed through market world changing digital marketing getting better leaflet marketing dying trying do didn’t realise next venture clothing line didn’t do any offline marketing went straight digital grew Instagram account leveraging influencers stuff—
Honestly experimentation reflection understanding okay went wrong need change next time—and if don’t know change experiments set get answer finally kinda make change love experimentation run all time experimenting experimenting right now kinda interesting see reaction obviously know doing no one else does but fun…
So tables turn get ask question—but wanna hear question after which what’s next for you hear about—but get ask question—
Of course don’t know what is why cringe little bit always worry can be something don’t wanna talk about curious learn from you’ve had incredible story terms come where today obviously standard question biggest lesson learned along way—for me curious yes lessons but who what’s identity had shift become who are today?
Like shifts had make?
Yeah had say goodbye—I had realise much dreams aspirations…
So wanted actor ever since can remember born couldn’t speak till sick communication important started acting eight wanted do wanted be actor didn’t care anything else wanted work Royal Shakespeare Company wanted work National didn’t really care tv even though ended couple films never distribution—but saying goodbye performing self interesting one actually because had learn agent said can’t cast anywhere reason couldn’t cast goes back why refuge okay accept it—but huge change very difficult went wild blew life did everything imagine blew life very short period time—
Then re-connect really mean reconnect mean reconnect inner child reconnect child prior eight with dream aspiration being actor—
Had reconnect family reconnect roots really think wanted go blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew blew
And lost everything Was back mom dad humbled if known what now would’ve done sooner sounds awful but look life now pinch gratitude here am reason podcast realise actually tap performing energy absolute nightmare live with…
Yeah that’s your nature right—you need do more what’s nature…
Yeah yeah yeah… So nature need something touch taps creativity makes better husband daughter yeah much they’re they’re very grateful do this—
So thank much time morning don’t think comments feeding through quite gone wrong software so will look later apologise anyone’s put comment can’t see thank much time today really appreciate super grateful incredible one also got learn more story really loved thank appreciate it.
No problem thank
00:00 Introduction
00:50 Kash Talks
02:07 Bollywood and Hip Hop
03:18 Learning how to Fail
05:49 Dropping Out of University
09:54 Life as a Monk
13:54 Launching a Charity at 14
14:55 My Life Changing Dream
17:32 Driven by Making an Impact
25:03 Experimenting in Business
26:06 Letting go to Be Free
30:03 Who Inspired You
32:01 Whats Next
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