Seven questions, women wearing beige with dark hair thinking lots of questions,

Seven Questions for Succesful Social Selling

Do you want to simplify your social selling using seven questions? 

A few years ago, social media was full of people asking, “Do You Know You’re Why?” I started to see similarities between Stanislavski’s seven questions and the seven questions of why.

I decided to see if and how I could apply the seven questions of Konstantin Stanislavski, a Russian actor, director, and theatre practitioner born in 1863, to content marketing. The Stanislavski method is still used by actors worldwide, and I was fortunate to study the technique under David Harris at the London Centre of Theatre Studies.

The Stanislaski method comprises seven questions an actor must ask themselves to explore their characters’ motivations, define their actions, and determine how they deliver the performance.

Stanislavsky Method
  • Who am I?
  • Where am I?
  • What do I want?
  • When do I want it?
  • Why do I want it?
  • How will I get it?
  • What must I overcome to get what I want?

I use Stanislavski’s seven questions as the foundation for my writing process. I initially used the questions to help shape stories when public speaking, but since embracing social selling, I have also used them to create content.

Stanislavski predates Simon Sinek, Tony Robbins, and many of today’s thought leaders. Over the years, I have read several business books, and through all of them, I have noticed a common theme of seven questions.

“Fulfilment comes when we do something to help someone else.”

~ Simon Sinek
In a world where AI-generated content is prevalent, it is crucial to maintain a human touch in your marketing communications.

Many social feeds and websites are filled with content produced by Chat GPT and Bard and checked with Grammarly or other spell-checking technology. While I use all of them, I am mindful of editing my content before my final spell check.

All businesses have a sales component in their content marketing, regardless of industry or field. Whether you’re a school, medical practice, social media manager, or non-profit organisation, generating revenue and remaining profitable is necessary for staying operational.

Understanding your client’s needs and wants to sell effectively without feeling the pressure of selling is crucial; we all bounce off websites and social media feeds if we think we are being sold to.

Think about how you shop; do you research, purchase, or visit a shop for advice and still buy online?

Where to Begin

The seven questions I use will help you understand your customers’ needs and wants, and once you clearly understand these, closing the sale becomes easier.

Instead of pushing the sale, you can explain how your product or service will help your customers and clients. This approach demonstrates how your product or service is an option for them rather than simply trying to sell it.

  • Why do customers buy/choose to work with you?
  • Who are your customers and clients?
  • Why do your customers or clients need what you sell?
  • What challenges do your customers and clients face?
  • What end goal does the customer or client want to achieve?
  • Why is your product or service different from your competitor?
  • How does your product or service help your customer or client?

After gathering all the necessary information regarding your client’s requirements and why they chose to work with you, you can create a list of questions and answers that can be utilised throughout your content marketing.

Another benefit of this exercise is that it generates a list of frequently asked questions that can be added to your website and used as a foundation for creating content on social media.

If you have followed the list mentioned above, you should understand your customers’ needs and desires. You can use this knowledge to create copy and record short-form videos that resonate with your clients and prospective customers.

Seven Questions: A woman in a red jumper with red hair, pointing upwards, wearing glasses on her forehead, smiling and happy. The woman is white,
Customer Motivations

By understanding what drives your customers and clients to work with you, you can focus on creating content that showcases how your product or service will support them in achieving their goals.

To make this process easier for you, I have included two scenarios you can use to create a social media post or video; play around and see how you get on.

Social Selling Framework Personal
  • Who am I? (The Hook) The Subject – Pose a question or make a statement.
  • Where am I? Introduce yourself and why you are here.
  • What do I want? Why can you tell your story?
  • When do I want it? Your story and situation.
  • Why do I want it? Identified problem or pain.
  • How will I get it? How do you solve the problem or pain?
  • What do I need to overcome to get what I want? What did you learn/ how did it make you who you are?
Social Selling Framework Business
  • Who am I? (The Hook) The Subject – Pose a question or make a statement.
  • Where am I? Introduce yourself, the company, and your role.
  • What do I want? Your product or services are seen.
  • When do I want it? Your product or service sold.
  • Why do I want it? Problem or pain.
  • How will I get it? Focus on the benefits of solving the problem.
  • What must I overcome to get what I wish to? Next Steps and Move on.
Seven Questions for sellingon a Mobile phone, placing the order
Crafting Compelling Narratives

Looking deeper into Stanislavski’s seven questions, I found I could apply them through my content creation. I found a symbiosis in connecting with the audience by focusing on human uniqueness and keeping my content relevant.

By placing myself in my customer’s and clients’ shoes, considering their whys the same way I would as an actor for character work, I was able to reflect upon my customers’ and clients’ needs, wants and desired outcomes.

I stopped feeling like I was promoting myself, something I found highly uncomfortable and focused more on how my actions would ultimately help them.

After using this social selling framework for a year, I have found that it can be incredibly helpful in overcoming the fear of social selling. Instead of constantly promoting goods and services, the framework encourages you to focus on addressing problems and presenting solutions.
This approach leads to a deeper connection with your audience on social media and can help you attract future customers.

By communicating authentically and aligning your solutions with your client’s aspirations, selling becomes a natural, conversation-driven process that fosters meaningful connections and drives business success. And for me, it is my preferred go-to-market strategy.

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