Brand meeting of three creatives, all artists wearing bright colours, they are working on top of a table.

Brand, Branding What Makes a Brand

What Comes First When You Think About Brands And Branding?

Do you think about the colours, the logo, and the key messages, or do you go straight to the heart and look at the values and mission statements?

Each of us is unique, and our brains interpret information differently. Our senses and life experiences determine how we react to something in our unique way. What works for one person may not work for another, and that is why some people become loyal customers, others raving fans, and why, no matter what you do, some people will not like your brand.

Take, for example, your choice of music; we all have artists we like. Some people may adore Taylor Swift, while others may not be huge fans. Similarly, a brand like Dove may appeal for their inclusivity and advertising campaigns, whereas Fussy may appear due to their environmental impact.

Your company’s brand is not limited to the visual choices of colour and logos; It also encompasses your core values, reputation, and global impact. Your brand is like a living entity that evolves with every interaction, touchpoint, and experience associated with your business.

Your brand is your reputation, formed by people’s beliefs and opinions about your actions and the impact you and the company have on others. Your brand is dynamic; it is growing, living, and shaped by your visual identity, staff, culture, values, and how you make people feel. Trust also plays a central role in building that reputation. Your customers must have faith in the quality of your products or services, and your employees must trust and respect the company they work for.

“Your brand is more than a visual identity. It encompasses your reputation, actions, and impact on others.”

~ Kirsty van den Bulk
The Connected World

In the new world of interconnectivity, social media can expose your company’s performance in both its positive and negative aspects. It’s essential to accept and recognise that every interaction can be celebrated or shamed in seconds, and managing your online presence is crucial to owning your brand narrative.

Today, it is essential to create an online presence that showcases your company’s products and services, highlights its culture, celebrates diversity and inclusion, and demonstrates respect for everyone.

Gone are the days when a company’s global position was static. In today’s world, your online reputation is dynamic and constantly evolving. As your business grows and changes, your approach should adapt accordingly. It’s crucial to regularly review your brand strategy to ensure it aligns with your business goals and resonates with your target audience.

In the fast-paced business world, finding time to reflect on your personal and company values, culture, and impact on the world can be challenging. However, it’s crucial, even if you’re a solopreneur. Knowing that you and your company align with your goals and values can make creating content more manageable and maintain a consistent voice across different online platforms.

Two women are working on the brand questions, writing the information on a glass wall, and both are in business dress.
What Questions to Ask?

When considering your company’s mission, vision, and values, it’s essential to ask yourself some questions. These questions include:

  • What makes your brand unique?
  • What do customers and consumers say about your company?
  • Have you communicated your company’s mission, vision, and values effectively through your marketing communications?
  • Have you shared your commitments to sustainability and inclusivity?
  • Is your communication consistent across all channels?
  • Are you speaking a language that connects with your customers and consumers?
  • What steps have you taken to improve customer experience and satisfaction
  • How happy are your staff, and do they feel respected and listened to?

Your company’s reputation is more than just a logo or a colour scheme. It encompasses every interaction, experience, and emotion people associate with your business. It is what differentiates you from others and makes you genuinely unforgettable.

It is always worth investing time and effort in developing an identity that accurately portrays who you are and what you represent. Ultimately, this will set you apart and help you create a lasting legacy.

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